(A proponent the Dutch Reformed Church it is a minister of the Word that has not yet been ordained by the Ecumenical board of the DRC.)
On 25 March, my new friend, and also our church's proponent preached on the subject of Super-hero's, during the children's service held at our church this morning. Now his message touched me so much, that I want to collaborate some more on Super Hero's.
Firstly, I want to make it clear, that I don't want to copy-cat everything he'd said on the subject, instead just voice my opinion. And Chris, if you're reading this, I thought the message wasn't great at all. It more worse … I thought it was AWESOME!!!.
Chris used the example of the comic strip/ movie/ tv superhero, superman. Chris collaborated on the abilities of superman: Speed, X-ray vision, Strength and stuff like that.
But then he told about another HERO, one with the ability to be everywhere at the same time, who can heal the sick, let blind men/woman see, let paralyzed people stand up and let them walk away, as if they weren't paralyzed at all. HE is also able to direct the weather, and even feeding thounsands of people with only 2 Fish and 5 loaves of bread. But also, when the people killed HIM, three days later HE was able to stand up from the grave and lived.
This HERO, is no one else than Jesus, the SON of the LIVING GOD, and also GOD. Now this HERO impress me more than a "make believe hero like spidey, or that other green guy or the 4 friends( not to be confused with Joey, Chandler and the other friends sitting on the park bench.)
Jesus himself said "No one has greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."(John 15:13 MKJV). That is true what He'd said, because He did not just lay down HIS life for those who followed Him the 3 years He ministered the Good News, when He walked the earth. No, He came to said us free, from the sin that bound us from the time of Adam and Eve, until He'll be returning to earth at the day of judgement. He came and walked this earth, that the relationship man and GOD had before an incident involving, a man, a woman a snake and also a fruit, may be restored[made whole].
He loves you so much that He paid the Eternal price of your sin[wrongdoings], with HIS death, when HE took all the sin of the world-Past,Present and the Future on his shoulders and paid for it ONE TIME.
He died a sinners-death, so that we don't have to. Romans 3:23 says "For all has sinned and come short of the glory of God" (MKJV). Romans 6:23 repeat this "For the wages of sin is death, …" Jesus already died that death for us, for our sin. But verse 23 continues with this: "but the Gift of GOD is Eternal life through Jesus Christ, Our Lord."
You remember what Romans 3:23 said: "For all has sinned and come short of the glory of God". Now for me this means, my good deads, going to church, reading my bible, stuff like that "Christians" do, won't get me into heaven, no "For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9, MKJV).
The only way you can be saved, is that you believe with your whole heart, that JESUS paid the price for you sin and it is by this gift of grace that you can be saved.
You can have a restored relationship with GOD, and Inherit the grace gift of Enternal life, right here, where you are sitting and reading this.
Firstly you must admit(confess) to God that you are a sinner, that you have came to a place in your life that you've realized, that you need Someone to free you from your sin. Then making the decision to turn your back (repent) on all your sinful desires – stuff that hurts others and yourselve. Confess to the the LORD that you believe that HE died for your Sin and that He raised from the dead, so that you don't have to pay the price for your sin. Accept Him as your LORD and Saviour, willing do to His will, Going to where He calls you to GO.
The following is a short prayer (conversation with GOD) that you can do right now that says what the previous paragraph has said:
"Dear God, I don't understand it all, but I do understand and admit to you right now, that I'm a sinner, that needs Someone to set me free from my sin. For I know that I am sinner and the result of my sin {Confess the stuff that you have done wrong}, is Eternal death.
But I stand in the position to make the decision to be set free by You right now, and turning my back on all things that has hurt You, the people around me and ultimately myself.
Lord, I believe with my whole heart, and I confess it with my mouth, that You have send Your Son, Jesus to become man, and to die on the cross for my sin, and that He rose from the grave on the third day. That He has conquered Sin and death and Won!!! Lord, I now submit myself to Your will alone. Lord Let Your Will Be Done In My Life. I turn my back on earthly gods, and accept You now as my Only GOD.
Holy Spirit, please fill me with your always-present presence,Convicting me of sin in my life and confessing them as they come to mind.
I ask You Lord, all of these things, in the Name of Jesus Christ, My LORD AND SAVIOUR.
If you just prayed that prayer, I just want to say, welcome to the family of Christ. If I don't see you while here on earth, I will see you in heaven.
Because you have been born again, you are a Spiritual baby and just like real babies you need to grow. The following list of stuff will help you to grow:
Read your Bible every day: Start by reading the Gospel of John. Don't have a Bible? While you're on the Internet, do a search for Online Bible, and you will find lots of links for Bibles that you can read, while online, or Free Bible Applications that you can download. You can buy a Bible at most book stores.
Pray: For any relationship to work (any kind of relationship), the two main things to do is Speak, and Listen. To grow in your relationship with God, you need to speak (Pray) to him daily, and wait for Him to speak to you (Listen). There aren't any special words, so what I do, I would speak to him, as I would to a friend, a normal conversation.
Fellowship: This basically means, join a church where the Good News of Jesus Christ is proclaimed. You need people around you that can help you grow Spiritually.
Witness: Tell other people of your decision to follow Christ as your Saviour. Most people will slander you, or be mean to you, but that is part of being a Christian, you must be willing to speak out of what Jesus has done in your life.
For more questions, please email me at: tianboonzaaier@gmail.com
If you just decided to follow Jesus, please email me also at the above email address.
God Bless.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Jesus Eternal Life,
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